Sailing holidays in Tuscany, Weekend sailing to the island of Elba, Giglio, Pianosa, Capraia, Gorgona, Giannutri, Montecristo. Prices and Last Minute Cruises sailing in Tuscany, Charter with skipper in Tuscan archipelago, castiglion della Pescaia, Follonica, Punta Ala

+39 333.1816330
Sailing holidays in Tuscany, italy, Weekend sailing to the island of Elba, Giglio, Pianosa, Capraia, Gorgona, Giannutri, Montecristo. Prices and Last Minute Cruises sailing in Tuscany, Charter with skipper in Tuscan archipelago, castiglion della Pescaia, Follonica

Island of Giglio and Giannutri

sailing in Island of Giglio and Giannutri

Sailing holidays in Tuscany

Sailing holidays in the island of Giglio and Giannutri in Tuscany, Weekend sailing and cruises to the island of Giglio and Giannutri, Prices, offers and last minute for sailing island of Giglio and Giannutri

Isola del Giglio : it's the second largest island after Elba and its 21 sq km include a treasure to discover. It's mainly granitic, and its sea is crystal-clear and emerald, with wonderful see floor, and its land is covered with Mediterranean vegetation, with many bushes and maquis, with old vine fields and terrasses and holm oak woods. One of the main privileges of Giglio Island is its varied coasts, which are 28 km long, and include smooth granitic coasts, bays and sand beaches, offering the chance of swimming in quiet waters sheltered from the wind.

Isola di Giannutri : the last paradise, a miracle of nature where wonderful euphorbias and bouganvillae bloom and where old Roman ruins are still visible.
Example of Itinerary
1st day: Marina di Grosseto/ Giglio harbour
2nd day: Giglio harbour/Giannutri
3rd day: Giannutri/Ciglio Campese
4th day: Giglio Harbour/Marina di Scarlino

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Montecristo Sailing Società Sportiva Dilettantistica SRL - Sede legale: Via di Percenna n°18 -53022 Buonconvento (SI) P.I.|C.F. 01399490521 capitale sociale € 10.000,00 versato € 5000,00 registro imprese Siena n° REA 144624
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