Sailing holidays in Tuscany, Weekend sailing to the island of Elba, Giglio, Pianosa, Capraia, Gorgona, Giannutri, Montecristo. Prices and Last Minute Cruises sailing in Tuscany, Charter with skipper in Tuscan archipelago, castiglion della Pescaia, Follonica, Punta Ala

+39 333.1816330
Sailing holidays in Tuscany, italy, Weekend sailing to the island of Elba, Giglio, Pianosa, Capraia, Gorgona, Giannutri, Montecristo. Prices and Last Minute Cruises sailing in Tuscany, Charter with skipper in Tuscan archipelago, castiglion della Pescaia, Follonica


Cruises and sailing holidays in Tuscany, Italy – Weekends on a saling boat

TThe Tuscan archipelago includes Elba, Giglio and Capraia islands, and Giannutri, Pianosa, Gorgona, Montecristo islands, and it has been a natural reserve since 1971. The seven ''pearls'' of the Tuscan archipelago are all different from each other. Each island has its own historical parts, each island is unique, original, with a common characteristic: the beauty of its natural landscape. Sailing Holidays to Punta Ala, Castiglion della Pescaia, Follonica, Charter with skipper

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Montecristo Sailing Società Sportiva Dilettantistica SRL - Sede legale: Via di Percenna n°18 -53022 Buonconvento (SI) P.I.|C.F. 01399490521 capitale sociale € 10.000,00 versato € 5000,00 registro imprese Siena n° REA 144624
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